Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Coming home!

My last post from Japan...

Tomorrow at exactly 10:00 AM I leave for home. :) (I have sad and happy feelings about that. :D ) I'll be shinking (taking the shinkansen :P ) to Tokyo at 10:21 AM and will arrive there at 12:14 AM. Then my plane for America leaves at 4:00 PM and I get to the Chicago airport at 9:23 AM the same day... how does that work?! :P (14 hour time difference, that's how!) Though then I do have to fly to Chicago and then back to Madison... I'll arrive at 9:09 PM or so.

I did a ton of shopping today (well, a moderate amount) and got some people some pretty awesome gifts, in my opinion. :D

I SHALL SEE YOU ALL VERY SOON!!! (most preferably tomorrow or the next day!!!)


2 comments - click to comment:

Michael said...

BYE!!! I can't wait to see you!

Chris said...

I think (hope) you get to San Francisco at 9:23 a.m.! Then all day to get home to Madison... that's a little rough. I am SO excited. It went so fast, and now it feels like it's been forever :-) Trust you, to come up with the world's best souvenir (bad English t-shirts)! Can't wait for you to come home after your grand adventure!!

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