Yesterday in school we went to go see an "opera" (which was actually just a normal play with some singing) called "ねずみの涙," meaning "Tears of the Mice" or "The Mouse's Tears." It was pretty enjoyable, though I rested a lot during it. :P (note that rest ≠ sleep!) Plus I couldn't understand most of it. :) Kinda fun to have around 1,2000 students all wandering around in the main hall and second floor waiting for the show to start, though. I also learned a new word yesterday-- けつあご (ketsuago) meaning BUTT CHIN. heh.
Now time for more bad English phrases that I've seen in the past few days... or things that just made me go "wat".
- Elementary school girl wearing a shirt saying "PLEASURABLE Experience"
- Elementary school girl wearing a shirt saying "SECOND HAIR TASTY"
- Elementary school girl wearing a shirt saying "Brisk Girls"
- Girl from my school wearing a T-Shirt saying "HELLO IT'S ME, PARCO"
Oh God, and computer class yesterday too... (we used that translator again)
My friend's computer screen read:
習慣/文化 (Custom/Culture)
アメリカ There are only a lot of delivery pizzas as for the cereal that sprinkled milk in daytime in the morning the fast food and supper such as hamburgers.
And the person sitting next to me's read:
United States?
1. Shape of snowman
2. Difference of manners
3. Difference of manners
The Pokemon becomes popular in the animated cartoon.
That night I went to the onsen/ofuro place 極楽湯 (gokurakuyu - literally 'paradise hot water' ... :P ) with my friend Ryosuke and my host brother Taiga. I went in some baths this time that we didn't have time to before, and just like last time, was very enjoyable. :) I wish those existed in America...
I also tried sea squirt for dinner that night, and it was pretty gross. Sendai is apparently famous for it (along with ox tongue, but I haven't eaten that... yet).
...And then today was just another normal day. The last two periods were music, or as the schedule called it, "音I" (Sound I). I "learned" to play the piano-- basically calling all the notes on the musical scale and the piano "do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do" instead of "ABCDEFG" and turning the volume off on my piano when the teacher was on the other side of the room (which was almost always). :D So apparently if you live in Japan, you know how to play the piano as everyone learns it in school. It was really fun though, talking about music and popular Japanese and American songs with friends. :)
"English Conversation" class today was pretty fun, and everyone was all like 「わあああああああ おおおおおおおおおお すげええええええっ~」 when I spoke a bunch of English for them (don't even try putting that into a translator, it'll just mutilate it). The teacher (who was super good at saying her L's v. R's but terrible at TH vs S and pronounced "P.E." "Fee-E") was really nice though... and probably spoke the best English of any Japanese teacher in the school.
In first period normal English class... (not English Conversation class-- they're different. All classes are different. For example, there's classes like "hygiene," "ethics," "Japanese" and "Japanese synthesis" ... oh, and the Radio Broadcasting Club is located in the Radio Broadcasting Room and the Rough Sketch Club in the Rough Sketch Room... wat.) ..... okay, back on topic (sorry for not finishing that sentence). So many things to say and no place to say them. D: Anyways, in normal English class everyone learned new vocabulary words and I was given a photocopy of the pages in the book and the handout they were studying.
Some of my favorite passages were "The dome saw everything." and "...a silent but clear message. 'No more Hiroshimas!'" hahaha wat. "No more Hiroshimas" was also a word on their vocabulary list, along with other words with negative connotations such as "bomb," "destroy," "kill," and "deadly." On the back of the sheet was a English comic CHALLENGE. Ready?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. oh my god I just broke out laughing right in the middle of class.
SO DRAMATIC AND TOUCHING DESU. ;_________________________________________;
Also, on a completely different subject, my two older brothers have an AWESOME part-time job together... it's a SEEEKRIT and they make a big deal about not telling just anyone, so email me or ask me on Gmail chat or something if you want to know. :P

Ana-chan (who btw is mai waifu), Taiga and Dokuro-chan, just to brighten your day. (especially yours, Michael). I found them in my copy of Dengeki G's magazine and was like woahwtf since were they here.

Also in G's magazine-- "Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakamatachi" (roughly Ookami-san and Seven Friends [though 'Ookami' really means 'Wolf'] and which is by J.C.Staff, WHOOP WHOOP!) and Oreimo - "Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Na" (My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute). Also included is Mitsudomoe which I didn't take pictures of. ;__; but it is still sure to be amazing, along with the others. :B Mitsudomoe's website here. ドキドキわくわくだよ。

And lastly, my friends Eri-chan and FlowerHairpin-chan (aka I forgot her name, which I do a lot). Yeah, don't ask me what they're doing-- no clue. People seem to love asking me what their names are... which I always forget. "Yuuya," "Yuuta," "Yuuka" and "Yuna" all sound all so similar... ;___;
Also, if for some reason anyone except for him cares, I picked up over 10 団扇 (uchiwa, fans) for my Japanese teacher Hegge-sensei back in America at the store ケーズデンキ (kēzu denki, K's electric), since he asked me to get him some. :P
...And that's my adventure so far.
15 comments - click to comment:
Barefoot Gen? Really? xD
I do NOT like Dokuro-chan. But Taiga is :D
Also, you're using that new word on me, aren't you? :P
mio!: Who are you? D: and who is Gen? The guy in the amazing comic CHALLENGE? :0
Michael: Yes you do, you secretly love her. I know it. and I will, sure, now that you asked. :)
OH IT'S YOU SOFI! I saw your Facebook comment. :) (and I guess they must have translated it...? I assume it's originally Japanese, though I've never heard of it before.)
*pretending im not talking to u on gmail*
what a sad comic D:
moar pics plz :3
I will never understand how Japanese to English translator programs can fail so badly...
It's because Japanese hates pronouns and rarely uses them, besides "I" for which a TON of words exist... I know at least 10 I think. Also, the subject of the sentence is oftentimes assumed, so a sentence could in theory only consist of a verb-- that's why something could be translated to "I love her," "He loves her" or "I love you" for example. :P Also, if you don't use kanji, words can have multiple meanings-- for example, "shika" can mean "deer," "dentistry," "historian," "market price," "the teacher's home," "price of silk thread" or "head monk in charge of an administrative section." ...yeah.
Okay. Now I can understand why translators won't work. What I probably will not understand is Japanese... ever.
It's actually quite easy in my opinion... and makes *WAY* more sense than English.
Well, if I had taken Japanese as my second language, then maybe I would understand it. But French grammar and complex English vocabulary is now currently taking up my language part of the brain. Plus random phrases in various languages.
Make an external hard drive, but for your head. :)
It is probable that something like that will be invented. If you're able to connect a webcam to your head and see out of it, then you must be able to somehow replicate a structure similar to that of synapses...
When you spoke English, did they say, “Oh boy, oh yeah, dude" ?? :-) (that's from Google translate!)
Sea squirt and ox tongue. Yum. Lucky you. (The first time I haven’t felt jealous :-))
The destruction at Hiroshima was a horrendous thing which will be remembered forever, just as we remember - cannot let ourselves forget- the Holocaust. I thought the comic was deeply sad and evidence that the Japanese also never want to forget. I agree the comic format was jarring. Just my two cents.
They did not say "oh boy, oh yeah, dude", they said "WOWWWWWWWW OOOHHHHHHHH COOOOOOOLLLLL GGGGRRREATTTTTTTT" etc.
I said I didn't eat ox tongue yet, if you didn't catch that. :)
The comic is funny because of the last panel, Gen's ridiculously white and oversized tears streaming down his face and his father appearing in the sky. Plus it's in English, which is just weird. but yeah, I know and agree-- it was a terrible thing.
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