Today was just another normal day at school, except today was shorter because at this time of year the middle school teachers come to check on all their first year students and make sure they're doing okay in school (which I doubt many are-- it is Seibun after all). :P ...and if you didn't realize yet, Seibun is the name of my school. The whole name is really "Tohoku Seikatsu Bunka Daigaku Koutou Gakkou," but as nobody wants to remember all that everyone just calls it "Seibun."
Also, because I feel as if I need to say this: I sleep on a towel (but also on a sheet and mattress, etc.) Just thought it was worth mentioning for some reason or other.
I joined the Language Club, whose president is one of the only two students in the history of the school to take the ELPT (English Language Proficiency Test) level 2-- Bushaa-sensei (in English: Buchard, I think. he's French.) put it: one of the only two university-bound students in the history of the school. :) But yeah, Monday is English, Wednesday is French and Friday is Italian. I'll also be joining Calligraphy Club, which will be every Tuesday starting next week! Two of my YFU friends who also go to Seibun are joining Kendo club, and by the end of their homestay they will [probably] have official government-recognized certificates showing they have mastered the first level of Kendo. It might be fun, but I don't think I'm that interested, plus I would need to go at least 3 or 4 days a week, so yeah...
I had a computer class yesterday, in which we typed self-introductions with the help of the EXTREMELY TERRIBLE TRANSLATOR NAMED "EXCITE" ! The website is here if you want to check it out for some reason. Looking at my classmates' screens, here are some of the things I saw:
- The hobby is to go live. I hate sweet the one.
- Please enjoy Japan without reserve while it is short.
- My hated insect is a bee.
- My favorite cartoon book is a close and a cover.
- Favorite sports are baseballs and futsals. (I have no idea what a 'futsal' is either)
- And, a my boom today is a game.
Yeah, it was pretty entertaining. Though what was even more entertaining was the 5-year-old elementary school girl I saw walking home from school yesterday with a hat on that said, "I'M CASHED, BRAH!" oh god. After she walked by, I tried to hide my laughter as a bunch of Seibun students stared at me strangely.
...And now for some random pictures:

A mug my host mom has.

My mom makes food in my obento (lunch) into animals-- this apple slice is a rabbit. :D

Japanese sign language for the kana 'せ' (se)

A student in my class' 筆箱 (fudebako, pencil case) ... I'm not sure if she knows what it means.

The super difficult math we do in class. Apparently in my friends' class the teacher wrote "3÷4 = ¾ NOT 4/3."
And to end, my favorite Japanese TV commercial I have seen so far:
(And moar Fit's LINK commercials here!) So fantastic.
Until next time, ば〜い. :>
5 comments - click to comment:
I'm almost relieved that you aren't taking Kendo, or you would kill me. :) Those sound like fun clubs. The horrible translations are still hilarious, but we did that math in like, 3rd grade, 2nd for me, this is an offense. :P
Hey Eli! I've been enjoying your Japan posts - it sounds like you're having a lot of fun. What is Kendo? I really like the funny English translation signs - post more of those for me, okay?
Joey finished school today. Finally! And now our summer is officially underway - Hurray!
The language club sounds wonderful as does calligraphy - good choices! Isn't Kendo samarai swordfighting? Is it like fencing? That would be pretty cool, but I can see it's time-consuming. The translations are, as usual, hysterical :-) Perhaps you could gently suggest Google Translate. You are spoiled by your host mother, my son. Dont' expect any apple animals when you get home :-) The math is appalling (ignore the math and learn the kanji?) Those commercials are SO funny.
my new motto - my life, my gas
Haha wow sounds like you're having so much fun!!
And why does everyone in Japan have Marijuana stuff?! eriously, when I was there I noticed everyone had Marijuana air fresheners in their car, and my host family had a marijuana leaf statue in their house. They definitely don't know what it is.
Michael: I can already kill you, don't worry. :) :P
Aunt Carol: Thank you so much! Kendo is, according to Wikipedia, "is a modern Japanese martial art of sword-fighting based on traditional Japanese swordsmanship, or kenjutsu. Kendo is a physically and mentally challenging activity that combines strong martial arts values with sport-like physical elements." It's pretty popular in Japan.
Mom: Read what I said above to learn what Kendo is. :) And at least cut the ends of my sausages you are going to put in my lunch to make them look like octopi...! :D Also, Google Translate is just as bad-- no machine translation can translate to and from Japanese accurately (check out and type in a phrase, it emphasizes that fact and is pretty funny too). Regarding the kanji, I think I should first learn second grade kanji before high school kanji that I might never use. :) I like your new motto, too. Lastly, my host mom says hi!
Katie: That's kinda funny. :) hahaha. very strange, though...
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