Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Some school stuff & some not school stuff

Yesterday we had "Oral Communication" with Bushaa-sensei... and that means watching Avatar in English with Japanese subtitles all period. :) All the Na'vi language also had Japanese subtitles which made me go "lolwut" since you're not supposed to understand it. (Which reminds me: check out the Wikipedia article on the Na'vi language, and look at all the information they have... jeez.) Next class we get to analyze the dialogue. Too bad the class is only once a week. :(

In other news, there was a loose stone in the path I ride my bicycle on to 旭ヶ丘駅 (Asahigaoka Eki, Asahigaoka Station) (which is the station I take a bus or subway to school)... so yeah, I fell over and now my knees and one of my elbows are all hurt and stuff. BUT DON'T GET ALL WORRIED MOTHER because that was yesterday and today it's fine. well it still kinda hurts, but it's fine. The bicycle parking people along with my school was all nice and gave me gauze and wrapped stuff around my leg so now people pay attention to me EVEN MORE (not that that's a bad thing).\

I also had a bunch of sushi yesterday and some other stuff that wasn't sushi but somehow sushi-related the other night and it was pretty good. Well, most of it anyways. (I'm glad tuna is always cooked in America.)

The day before yesterday (I'm going in reverse order here, it seems...) Ryosuke and Shun and their mother came over for dinner... so we cooked a lot of stuff and it was very delicious. :)

Oh, also, I forgot to mention earlier... on the plane ride to Japan (A LONG TIME AGO) we watched "How to Train Your Dragon" and it was fantastic. Go see it if you haven't. You should also go see 宇宙ショーへようこそ (uchuu show e youkoso, Welcome to THE SPACE SHOW) which I mentioned earlier because it will for sure be fantastic... BUT YOU [PROBABLY] CAN'T SINCE YOU'RE [PROBABLY] NOT IN JAPAN SO HAH. ...not that I've seen it yet, though. :< (website)

Kay, picture tiem:

I'm ラブラブing the name of these strawberries.

If schools in America had posters like these I would just melt.

I don't even know what to say about this.

Japanese textbooks tell the world who's boss.

Japanese textbooks probing the minds of students.


Last one. My friend from YFU Isaac took it and posted it to his Facebook, and I'm posting it here 'cause I thoroughly enjoyed it. so fantastic.

Hmm, that's basically all for now.

See ya. :)

4 comments - click to comment:

Michael said...

"now people pay attention to me EVEN MORE (not that that's a bad thing)"

:D. That's an INSANE amount of information about the Navi.

Anonymous said...

OMG. PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *clap clap clap*
so happy =^____^=

Chris said...

Avatar for English! Lucky you. The sushi sounds fantastic and I am happy to know that you are cooking! (Although you really need to get a white or black t-shirt to fit in :-)) I wanted to see How to Train your Dragon but think I missed it.

Loved your photo captions :-)

eli said...

Michael: You forgot the apostrophe. :) Also, what's even more insane is that they had almost EXACTLY the same amount of information the DAY AFTER the movie came out. crazy. D:

Cindy: creeper.

Mom: I'm not really cooking... haha, I just noticed all the white and black shirts everybody else was wearing.

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